
Annual Funding
The total funding of the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute for 2022/23 is £57.5 million.
We are one of four Cancer Research UK institutes, receiving £21 million a year in core funding from the charity. This core funding enables the Institute to provide an outstanding environment in which to train and develop scientists. The award supports our core facilities and allows Research Group Leaders to expand their teams and explore innovative new ideas.
Along with the core funding, the research in the Institute is funded by a number of organisations. We currently have 166 active research grants at the Institute totalling £23 million, with £7.9 million received from Cancer Research UK and the remainder from many other funding bodies.
Support our research
Our work is already making a positive impact for patients and their families.
Research here has led to personalised treatment programmes for patients in Cambridge and beyond. From developing innovative diagnostic tests to advancing imaging methods, we are translating our findings into clinical practice.
All of this has been made possible through philanthropy and generous donations from the public, whether through one of our funders or directly to the Institute.
If you would like to donate to cancer research in Cambridge, you can either donate online, or if you would like to send us a cheque please make it payable to the University of Cambridge and post to:
Grants and Finance
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
University of Cambridge
Li Ka Shing Centre
Robinson Way
With thanks to all the organisations funding research at the Institute:
Academy of Medical Sciences
Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust
Alan Turing Institute
Alborada Trust
Anticancer Fund
Aprea AB
Biochemistry Society
Brain Research UK
Brain Tumour Charity
Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand
Breast Cancer Now
British Council
Cancer Research Malaysia
Cancer Research Technology
Children’s Cancer & Leukaemia Group
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories
Cancer Research UK
ETH Zurich
EU Horizon 2020
GE Medical Systems Ltd
Innovate UK
Intensive Care Society
Ivy Farm Technologies
Leverhulme Trust
Mark Foundation
The Minderoo Foundation
Medical Research Council
Multiple Sclerosis Society
National Physical Laboratory
Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund
Pancreatic Cancer UK
PEW Charitable Trusts
Prostate Cancer UK
Royal College of Physicians
Royal Society
Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research
Sohn Foundation
St Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Tailor Bio
Target Ovarian Cancer
University Health Network
University of Glasgow
University of Newcastle
US Army
Varsity Pharmaceuticals Limited
Wellcome Trust Leap Inc.